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110611 U-Kiss at 8TV UPS Finale Rehearsal

Credits: marctensiaCerts + ukisspoland.com
full credits if taken!

110610 U-Kiss at Malaysia Press Conference part4

Download here
Credits: specifite + rocketboxx.net + HeavenKisses + Kaggregate + jonykt.com + luharu.com
+ aprilfy.com + my-ukiss.com + my-kissu + ukisspoland.com
full credits if taken!

110610 U-Kiss at Showcase in Malaysia part5

Download here 
Credits: LifeInside86 + nazlahhhh + psychedelichana + Kaggregate + luharu.com + 1sa_be11e + ukisspoland.com
full credits if taken!

110611 U-Kiss at 8TV NIte Live Recording

Credits: marctensiaCerts + ukisspoland.com
full credits if taken!

110611 U-Kiss at 8TV Interview

Credits: marctensiaCerts + ukisspoland.com
full credits if taken!

110611 Manager Twitter Update part2

Eli Hoon twitpic.com/5a12rb
Credits: wooong306 + ukisspoland.com
full credits if taken!

110610 U-Kiss at Daorae Restaurant

Credits: lynaabc + ukisspoland.com
full credits if taken!

110610 U-Kiss at Showcase in Malaysia part4

Credits: 3vilicy + Onlyforfun94 + babystarfir3 + FigureSkaterNinn + lynaabc + ukisspoland.com
full credits if taken!

110610 U-Kiss at Showcase in Malaysia part 3

Credits: Onyucifer + KKVL9091 + amirahwahab + coruscateangel + murashingo + ukisspoland.com
full credits if taken!

110610 U-Kiss at Showcase in Malaysia Backstage

Credits: JonYKT.Com + Redstar Presents + ukisspoland.com
full credits if taken!

110611 U-Kiss to Continue the Success of TVXQ in Japan

U-Kiss will enter the Japanese market aiming to get the same recognition gained by TVXQ.

U-Kiss is ready to debut in Japan under the care of AVEX. It has been revealed that the company has assigned the activities of the band to some of the same staff members that were in charge of TVXQ.

NH Media has mentioned that AVEX has confidence in U-Kiss and discovered a similar potential to the one of TVXQ and the company has confirmed that the plans will give them the best support.

U-Kiss is set to release their Japanese album on August 24th and will include their tracks '0330'. On December they will have a major debut releasing a new single and have a tour during the next year. During this period of time the band will be working in Japan and Korea with a pretty busy schedule.

Credits: hankooki[source] + dongbangdata.net[translated & Shared] + gokpop + ukisspoland.com
full credits if taken!

110611 Manager Twitter Update

ㅎㅎ twitpic.com/59vof4
Credits: wooong306 + ukisspoland.com
full credits if taken!

110610 U-Kiss at Showcase in Malaysia

 Download here
Credits: REDSTAR_KINOMN + chodixxon + kakchik_ida + totallybaosters@tumblr +
JazzzzyDJ + marctensiaCerts + Bakizainal + LynaaS +mykplayground +propertyofkebin + psychedelichana@tumblr + OplusT_Kpop + LifeInside86 + specificite + rocketboxx.net
+ HeavenKisses + ukisspoland.com
full credits if taken!

110610 U-Kiss at Malaysia Press Conference part3

Download here
Credits: chodixxon + hotfm + ukisspoland.com
full credits if taken!