I can't update the site lately due to bad family issues and I don't really wanna ukisspoland die...
If you want to help us and update and join our ukisspoland team, please write in comments in "no updates lately"
Thank you in advance :)

full credits if taken!
full credits if taken!
full credits if taken!
촬영하다말고 버스에서 시청중!!^^ 기달리고 기달렸던 레알스쿨 첫방송^^
많은 시청 부탁합니다 MBC every1 월~
금 오후 4:30 많이많이 봐주세용
full credits if taken!
Bought a cup of Hot (dark) choco & a cheesecake to brighten my tiring morning~
Gonna enjoy w/ ″Love Me″ on MP3♥^-^ Credits: alexander_0729 +
ukisspoland.comfull credits if taken!